

Hau'oli Moa Hula Cluckhouse
Contact: Nicholas Meyer and Jennifer Martin
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Phone: 808-756-9334
About Us
We are a small poultry farm located in Kapa'au where our frolicking flock dine on a diverse choice of lush green grasses, fauna, fruit and insects in the wild. They are also fed Papaya, Jackfruit, Coconut and herbs grown right here with organic methods.
The result? Delicious tasting eggs.

Besides producing some of the best tasting, highest nutrient eggs possible, we seek to promote local food sustainability here on the Big Island. Our eggs are laid right here in Kohala - not flown in from the mainland nor transported long distances.

Also, if you are looking for a flock of your own (chicks, pullets or cockerels), we breed several top-quality lines of chickens from Rhode Island Reds to French Black Copper Marans and others - including rare black Ayem Cemanis. Please ask a staff member of Kohala Food Hub to connect you with us if you'd like to explore purchasing chickens from us directly.